With a few more in the queue to get painted I was finally able to get photos of 23-32 up in the beastiary. Two more to photo, then some more are on their way to getting painted.
On again off again
April 17th, 2014
Etsy store now open
March 8th, 2013
The Etsy store is now open, with just a few listed from the beastiary. Also, take a look at the beastiary! I have been sitting on the photos of those cubicreatures for a couple weeks. Most of the cubicreatures listed with status ‘tbd’ will be up for sale as soon as I have time to do so.
From Rv012, leg stuff…
January 7th, 2012
Rv011 7×7 Gallery
January 4th, 2012
Two things on my to-do list are donestarted! One: wings. There will probably be more variation on these as I go, but the initial coding part is done. I also added the capability to generate a gallery/catalog of cubicreatures. This gives a better idea of the general output of the cubicreature generator at a glance.