Archive for the ‘Images’ Category

From Rv013af

February 13, 2013


Rv013aa, testing out backgrounds

December 20, 2012


And it got trippy.

Rv012, a Cubibeetlecreature.

November 16, 2012

From Rv012, leg stuff…

January 7, 2012

More possibilities coming up with legs.  Was going to post a gallery, but this one popped out of an otherwise bland set of gallery mates.

Rv011 7×7 Gallery

January 4, 2012

Two things on my to-do list are donestarted!  One: wings. There will probably be more variation on these as I go, but the initial coding part is done.   I also added the capability to generate a gallery/catalog of cubicreatures.  This gives a better idea of the general output of the cubicreature generator at a glance.

A cornucopia from Rv009.

December 30, 2011

Had trouble selecting just one or two, so here is a plethora of piñatas cubicreatures.



Proto 01.

December 29, 2011